Monday, August 22, 2011

Mr. "I" hits 6 months

My sweet little friend Mr. "I" hit 6 months old back in June (and yes I'm really that far behind in my postings).  I love this little guy ... he's got the biggest dimples you've ever seen and is such a love bug!  I got a ton of great shots of him  in his birthday suit but those are reserved for mom and dad only (sorry it's kills me not to share them)!  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miss "L" at 3 Months

It's hard to believe but little Miss "L" is already 3 months old.  She's got the most beautiful blue eyes and I can't help but wonder if she's going to keep her beautiful  ginger hair. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Dancing Divas

  What a fun session - I love these little ladies.  Mom wanted to get some photos of them before their big dance recital  -- I only wish that I could have seen them perform. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I was excited when asked to photograph a Doljanchi which is a traditional Korean 1st birthday celebration.  One highlight of a Dol is a ritual where the child is placed in front of table with items such as string and rice - it is believed that the first item selected by the child  foretells the future.  For example string  means a long life and rice means wealth.  Well, my little birthday girl went straight for the iPhone ... a future in technology perhaps? 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reflections on my Project 365

 I thought I would take a few minutes and share a couple of my favorite photo's from  my recently completed Project 365 - A PHOTO A DAY FOR A FULL YEAR

Day 79
I love this photograph ... it is the first photo from my project that I thought was truly special.  Beside a little cropping when editing - I did nothing to this photo.   This will probably be one that I get framed one of these days.

  Day 221
I wanted to do something special for Ash Wednesday.  I had my oldest daughter  scoop up a pile of ashes from the fireplace and we headed outside.  What I didn't count on was the windbut it made my photo and I was happy that it was blowing that day.  

  Day 223
 I couldn't help but feel pride when I saw my oldest daughter playing around with my back up camera - it's one of my favorites!

Day 266
What a wonderful moment celebrating childhood.  I didn't have time to even think about what I was doing -  I just starting shooting off frames -- hoping that I would  captured what I was seeing. 

Day 269
This is the last photo of our beloved Abby ... she was a part of our family for many, many years and she is deeply missed.  

Day 338
This was the hardest photograph for me - technically speaking.  It was completely dark and  my camera  was set on a tripod.  The timer was set and I  had to light a sparkler.  Then I had to find the correct spot to stand in the dark and write out AZU  with the sparkler (it was only later on that  I realized that I could have written USA and just flipped my image in photoshop  which would have been a little easier).

Day 323
I saved my favorite photo's for last ... Father's Day 2011.  These are the 4 faces that I love most in this world! 
I am proud of myself for completing this project  -  I didn't miss a day - not one.  I also thought I might cheat a little but I didn't - I truly took a photo a day.  I LOVED doing this project and next time around I'm expecting it to turn out ever better.   Project 2012 is coming soon ....